Part 16: Chapter 13a
Now that we've got Kelik's chapter out of the way, it's time to return to Team Anakin.
Or we can stare at a guy in a big empty field.
Meet Asch. You wouldn't know that was his name if you didn't check his character page, since everyone just calls him The Coyote.
I really can't mention enough how empty this whole place is.
This whole conversation is going to seem really weird once we tackle the other end. You'll see what I mean.
Oh come now, we're more than ready for...
![]( 13a.jpg)
Looks like we're in for a slow, dull hike.
Our friend Logan gets a bit of a boost when he's not on our side. His strength isn't much, but that hardly matters when he's toting around these suckers.
As opposed to our regular weapons, which we just use for gardening.
All joking aside, the Shadow Sword is quite dangerous, especially since, much like the Flamberge, it's not actually a dark magic sword. And even with the excess weight, Logan's got so much speed that he could actually double some of our folks with it. Nasty.
Honestly, when I said this was the "right" choice, I didn't mean that I felt that you got a better character out of it. Asch's stats are okay, I guess, but when you consider that he only has half the time that a guy like Shuuda has for developing his stats, it doesn't look so great for him.
On the plus side, we get axes in a sane amount of time, rather than having to wait until Chapter 17.
The Chainsaw is a painfully underwhelming novelty. On the plus side, it's got an absurd amount of crit, but on the not-so-positive side, it's as powerful as a Hand Axe.
We'll have time to worry about that later. In the meantime, let's have a look at these two abodes.
So that puts this game a bit of a while before FE7, eh? Interesting attempt at merging this game with canon, but I'm not sure it really works for me.
And with a bit of motivation, Karina can take the village too.
and cooling nights,
you give us sight,
and make the world so bright,
oh how I love to sing,
of your soothing lights~
That'd be nicer if Anakin wasn't still an E rank in Light.
Well, I hope SOMEBODY will.
There we go. This map's gimmick is that all the enemies are reinforcements.
Not especially inspiring though. Still, now that they're here, the map can begin in earnest.
Player Phase (for real this time):
Enemy Phase:
Although this is probably a bit overkill.
Our next contestants are cavaliers, and they are...
A little more dangerous. Time to fall back, I'm thinking.
Karina may have low constitution, but that's good for the rescue formula, since it's 20-constitution for female mounted units. She and Inanna are probably the best rescuers right now.
Otherwise, it's time for Kevin to hold the line again, since these units are a bit too tough for the rest of my crew.
But not to worry, Kevin. Backup is on the way.
And I bet we can guess who that someone else is. The general theme of this chapter is going to be people dumping on Anakin, and it gets old fast.
In the meantime, Asch will satisfy himself by stealing my kills.
And wouldn't you know it, here's our font of negativity.
Don't worry if you're confused about this little kid discussion. That's coming up.
Like I said, this chapter is just full of jabs at Anakin's expense. Matter of fact, if you have Anakin and Kelik talk:
Yeah. In a series where characters pride themselves on having longwinded conversations in the middle of battle, Kelik can't even spare the time for a chat.
As it's plain to see who needs to recruit Asch, it's time for our courier service to take flight once more.
Eduardo can barely put a scratch in the cavaliers, but he can deal with these pirates just fine. I didn't take a look at the numbers, but something about that tells me that the cavs might have their stats or levels set too high for this stage of the game.
As can be seen, our two cocky mercs come with the stuff they picked up in Chapter 12, including the White Gem.
And conveniently, the two stores are right next to their starting location.
But first, let's see what's in the village.
He's actually more of a pinball wizard.
I really need to keep track of how many characters do asides to loved ones. It seems to be a common theme in this game.
Naturally, Itsuke has a conversation with anyone else.
It's okay. It hits all the high notes while staying somewhat succinct.
Well, Itsuke knows how to immediately ingratiate himself to me. Solid bases and an excellent present means that he's more than welcome.
Otherwise, Kevin does what he always does.
And we get some new friends.
They're easy enough to handle, even with Althares at a disadvantage.
I'm a bit of a distance away, but I know enough about the AI that it isn't a problem.
Sheesh, seriously. I suppose we could just have Karina and Kevin handle these guys, but this amount of defense is still ridiculous.
Still, Ace has the upper hand.
Just as I thought, Asch can't control his murderous urges, putting him right in recruitment range.
You know, we still haven't left the starting area. I think I like this sort of pressure. It's fun to deal with.
And we've got mercenaries. However, due to Kevin weakening them to critical, most of these cavs are hogging the forts and preventing new reinforcements in a bid for healing.
Can't say I like that. Less killing that way.
Add two more to the pile of characters with offscreen friends/loved ones. I told you that it comes up often.
Well, at least this one can be scratched a little better.
Evidently, Ace shares my frustrations.
And Kevin gets a level off of taking all the hits. Much as I appreciate the double digit everything, I wish he'd work on his defense a little more.
Eduardo knows what he wants, and what he wants is to Charge all the time.
Fine with me, buddy.
I like it, but I already used my Angelic Robes on one mage.
I wish I had more to hand around, because that's terrible.
At least one person's not disappointing.
For the most part, reinforcements have dried up on the east side. Now they're all in the west.
It's easy when you have a mage.
Matter of fact, why don't you have those too?
Before you go yelling at me, let me explain my thought process. Anakin is a main character, you see, and a bard as well. Now bards, by virtue of their job, tend to stay behind in order to help the slow characters get to the fight faster. What that means is that they eventually start lagging behind as well. But if a bard has cavalier speed, he can zip around the battlefield as he likes, refreshing pretty much anyone he needs to.
In short, boots make Anakin a lot more versatile.
The skill levels! They're spreading!
As the rest of the group catches up with Kelik's bunch, it occurs to me that some sort of other boss was supposed to show up, but he never did. What is up with this game promising that bosses will arrive, then never having them arrive? I want to get horribly massacred, dangit!
Oh well, let's get started on this boss.
Why do you need to fight to get back your girl? By the way the soldiers were acting, you're practically a Magnian officer.
Maybe Anakin can shed some light on this.
Nope, evidently not. Guess we're just going to have to wait until Side B for it to make any sense.
Let's just nip this potential problem in the bud first, shall we?
We've reached maximum thief, folks. Hopefully Althares can get more damage by the time he promotes.
As I said, it's just a sword doing a fancy effect. Ironically then, the person most suited to fighting that thing is probably Kevin.
Meanwhile, we're fighting knights.
And the skill just keeps on coming.
On the plus side, we've got the most accurate team in town.
Even if he critted, which he didn't, it wouldn't have mattered in this case.
You know what, doing reckless and stupid things when you're on the edge of victory is right in character for Eduardo.
He's validated in the end.
That poor girl who we'll never see.
We're going to get along just nicely.
While I would criticize Anakin for these bouts of naivety, at least he gets called out on it. To whit:
There's an understatement.
You know, I don't think I'd know how to respond to "peachy preachy" either. But let's call it at this point. They'll have plenty of bickering to do in the morning. In the meantime:
Next Time: We figure out what that whole girlfriend thing is about.
Class: Hero
Weapon Ranks: D in swords, B in axes
Affinity: Ice
HP: 35 (115%) Lck: 4 (120%)
Str: 17 (55%) Def: 11 (35%)
Skl: 15 (50%) Res: 5 (25%)
Spd: 12 (50%) Con: 12
Why yes, that IS a 100%+ luck growth, and boy will he need it. Asch doesn't have the best bases for a Hero, and in fact, I daresay he might be worse off than Noah, depending on what you're looking for in a prepromote. So why is this the right path? No reason, other than giving Anakin a funny scene with Logan. I would consider Logan to be the stronger of the two choices, and we'll see why shortly.
Oh yeah, spoilers, I guess: you recruit Logan if you choose to trust him. It'll make sense in context.
Class: Mage
Weapon Ranks: D in anima magic
Affinity: Ice
HP: 18 (60%) Lck: 7 (30%)
Mag: 7 (55%) Def: 5 (25%)
Skl: 7 (50%) Res: 7 (35%)
Spd: 9 (40%) Con: 5
Think of Itsuke as a replacement Cia if she goes absolutely terrible on you. They've got equivalent bases, though Itsuke has a bit more defensive growths and a significantly worse speed growth. I could recommend running them side by side if you're in the mood, since anima users are in short supply, but I personally get better results out of Cia instead of him.